"The evidence of sex, politics and beer-drinking comes from a newly translated tablet, dating back more than 3,500 years, which reveals a series of riddles.
He gouged out the eye:
It is not the fate of a dead man.
He cut the throat: A dead man (-Who is it?)
The answer is a governor.
In(?) your mouth and your teeth (or: your urine)
constantly stared at you
the measuring vessel of your lord (-What is it?)
The answer, it appears, is beer.
The deflowered (girl) did not become pregnant
The answer, strangely enough, appears to be "auxiliary forces," a group of soldiers that tend not to be reliable.
The tower is high
it is high, but nonetheless has no shade (- What is it?)
The answer is sunlight.
Like a fish in a fish pond
Like troops before the king (-What is it?)
The answer is a broken bow.
Source: http://www.livescience.com/18147-ancient-riddles-decoded-mesopotamia.html
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